Spirit Jobs
Each family is responsible sign up for Spirit Job(s).
A brief overview of the Spirit Jobs is below and you can find more details here. Some of the larger jobs are undertaken by our fabulous and hard-working Swim Team Committee, and those jobs are noted below. For questions regarding Spirit Jobs please contact Carmen Rodwell, [email protected]
- Apparel Coordinator (Committee Job): Chooses suit for the year and selects vendor. Selects hats and other gear to sell at meets and in the online store.
- Champs Volunteer Coordinator (Committee Job): Organizes all of the eager volunteers for Champs in coordination with the other JSSL teams.
- CIT Program Coordinator (Committee Job): Plans parties and social events for our 13+ swimmers, rallies them to work jobs at meets and help coaches teach the young kids how to swim during practice.
- Concessions Coordinator (Committee Job): Plans the menu, purchases the food, and supervises the concessions workers at our home meets.
- Dive Clinic Supervisor: Our CIT/8U dive clinics last for 2 hours on Sunday mornings. The supervisor is expected to check in the CITs and attendees and reach out to any who are missing. Then make sure the CITs are acting appropriately and being attentive to the younger swimmers. No knowledge of teaching diving is required.
- JSSL League Representative (Committee Job): Meets with the JSSL reps for each team in the league to discuss overall league issues and plan the season.
- Meet Jobs Coordinator (Committee Job): Creates meet job sign ups and makes sure our meets run smoothly with everyone's help.
- Spirit Job Coordinator (Committee Job): The heart and soul of all the summer parties! Guarantees there are plenty of fun events throughout the summer and makes the event coordinators' jobs easy by providing them with all the details, information, and sample emails they need.
- Treasurer (Committee Job): Monitors the swim team budget, generates reimbursements, handles all of the team's banking.
- Head Data (Committee Job): Makes sure all the data and times of our hardworking swimmers gets recorded and stored properly and gives us the all important points count at the end of each meet!
- Awards Coordinator: Orders trophies for all swimmers and helps with presentation on awards night after champs. It requires some coordination with the coaches for special awards.
- End of Season- Post Champs Party Coordinator: Plans and organizes the end of season party. This one is straight forward and we have a tried and true party formula for you to follow.
- End of Season- Post Champs Party Worker: Assists Coordinator with shopping, setting up for the party, serving food and cleaning up.
- Friday Night Dinner Coordinators: Organizes one Friday Night Dinner. This involves emailing those who have signed up to bring food to remind them, advertising the dinner on poster boards around the neighborhood, asking the pool manager to announce the dinner, set up the dinner, count the cash, make sure things are cleaned up properly.
- Friday Night BBQer: Cooks up some yummy burgers and dogs for our hungry dinners.
- Friday Night Dinner Worker: Sets up tables and dishes before dinner starts, serves dinner, cleans up dishes and tables, helps coordinator as needed.
- 4th of July Bake Sale Coordinator: Collects delicious and festive baked donations from swim team members and community members. Runs a bake sale at the GM 4th July Picnic.
- 4th of July Snow Cone Worker: Makes and sells refreshing and colorful snow cones at 4th of July party. The first shift workers will need to set up the machine and the second shift workers will need to clean up and put away the machine.
- Ice Cream Social Coordinator: Plans a fun-filled ice cream sundae extravaganza by buying the ice cream, toppings galore, setting up the goodies on some tables, and serving away.
- Ice Cream Social Worker: Sets up tables and helps serve ice cream and toppings. Cleans up. Assists the coordinator as needed.
- Pep Rally Coordinator: Organizes a party that will pep up all our Champs swimmers. This involves some snacks, crafts, cheers, and fun.
- Ribbons Coordinator: Orders the ribbons for the season, updates ribbons box with the right names, files the ribbons in the box, brings cheer to all those hard working swimmers.
- Swim-A-rama Coordinator: Organizes our biggest fundraiser of the year.
- Swim-A-rama Worker: Volunteers help set up before the event, and tear down after the event. They will also assist the coordinators in anything they may need to organize the event.
- Swim-A-rama Lap Counter: Counts the laps of the swimmers as they push themselves farther and faster.
- Luau Party in the Park Coordinator: Organizes a fun Hawaiian theme party with karaoke, drinks, decorations...Aloha Marlins!
- Luau Party in the Park Worker: Assists Coordinator with setting up, running and cleaning up after the party.
- Swim and S'mores Party Coordinator: This is a fun evening party where we bring the fire pit out, roast marshmallows, sandwich them in-between graham crackers with or without some chocolate...yum! and also swim as it gets dark. Coordinator gets the fire wood, supplies for the s'mores and arranges with Pool Manager to set up the pit.
- Swim and S'mores Party Worker: Assists the Coordinator to set up, run and clean up after the party.
- Movie Night Coordinator: One of the fun night dates for the Marlins. The bring pillows and sleeping bags and curl up next to each other to watch a movie. We run two movie session one for the younger Marlins and one for the 13+ Marlins. The coordinator will select two age appropriate movies, order and get pizza and drinks for the event.
- Movie Night Worker: Assist the coordinator to run the event, set up and clean up also monitoring the children while they are in the clubhouse.
- Dive in Movie Coordinator: NEW THIS YEAR! We will watch a movie in the pool! this one will be after dark. details are still in the works...
- Dive in Movie Worker: Assist coordinator in setting up screen and equipment, monitor kids and clean up after the movie.
- Head Table (for all home meets)
- Home Meet Set Up Lead (for all home meets): Coordinates the setting up of tables, benches for the clerk of course, MC equipment, coaches tents for all the home meets.
- Home Meet Tear Down Lead (for all home meets): Coordinates the tear down of tables, benches for the clerk of course, MC equipment, coaches tents for all the home meets.
- Concessions Tear Down Lead (for all home meets): Coordinates the tear down of tables, food and supplies from concession for every home meet.
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