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Marlins Code of Conduct


  • Swim for the fun and friendships.
  • Do your best to listen to and learn from the coaches.
  • Show respect and courtesy to teammates, coaches, lifeguards, parents, and pool managers at all times.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all practices and meets with teammates and opponents alike.  
    • Wait to get out of the pool until everyone in your heat finishes; do not hop out as soon as you finish. 
    • Shake hands with the swimmers next to you.
    • Congratulate opponents and teammates on good swims. 
    • Make friends in the Clerk of the Course with all swimmers, no smack talk or negative comments will be tolerated. 
  • Win with humility and lose with dignity.
  • Set a good example of behavior and work ethic for younger teammates.
  • Be respectful of teammates' feelings and personal space.  Swimmers who exhibit sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate behavior will be faced with consequences.
  • Do not disrupt swim practice or you will be asked to leave. 
  • Be on time for practices and meets, or better yet, be 5-10 minutes early.  On time means in water with all gear ready to swim, not just showing up at the pool at the start time.
  • Show respect for all pool and clubhouse facilities and other property (including locker rooms) used during practices, competitions, and team activities.
  • If there is any disagreement about an officials call, talk with the coach, not the official.
  • Obey all USA Swimming and GMCA rules and codes of conduct. 
  • Cheer enthusiastically for and support all teammates equally.


  • Remember this is a summer league for children who are there to swim hard, but mostly to have fun and make friends. We encourage you to do the same.
  • Be a positive role model for children and encourage them to strive for the highest level of sportsmanship.
  • Be respectful and courteous to other swimmers, coaches, officials, and volunteers on Greenmeadow and any opposing team.
  • Get involved by volunteering, cheering at meets, and talking with your child and their coach about the team.
  • Make your ride home positive even if your child didn't swim as well as they or you wanted. 
  • Before complaining, ask yourself if you can help with a solution.
  • Criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive lanugage or gestures directed towards coaches, officials, volunteers, and or any swimmer will not be tolerated.
  • Refrain from coaching your child from the pool deck during practices or meets; that's what we pay the coaches to do!
  • Please let the coaches know if you have any questions or concerns before or after practice, but please do not speak to the coaches during practice.
  • We want to make Greenmeadow a safe space for all swimmers, so please take a momemt to review USA Swimming's Safe Sport Guidelines and notify a coach or Swim Team Committee member if you have any concerns. 


  • Appreciate that you are one of the most important and influential role models in a child's life. Your words and your actions will have a positive and potentially devastating impact on the emotional well-being of the children in your charge.
  • Place the emotional and physical well-being of the swimmers ahead of any personal desire or pressure to win.
  • Coach in a positive manner and do not use derogatory comments or abusive language.
  • Treat all swimmers fairly and equally by working towards improving each swimmer’s individual skill set regardless of how many points they score at meets.
  • Be a role model by treating all swimmers, coaches, team representatives, and officials on Greenmeadow and any opposing teams with respect regardless of age, race, gender, or ability.
  • Instruct swimmers on good sportsmanship and remind them when you see lapses. 
  • Use coaching techniques appropriate for the skills that you teach and do your best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all swimmers.
  • Lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all swimmers, parents, and officials on Greenmeadow, and all opposing teams.
  • Remember that you are a youth swimming coach and that races and meets are for children and not adults.
  • Maintain a professional separation between coach and athlete
  • Win with humility and lose with dignity.
  • Adhere to USA Swimming and GMCA rules and code of conduct.

Any violations of these Codes of Conduct should be brought to the attention of the Head Coach, a member of the Swim Team Committee, or the GMCA Board.

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