CIT-Coach In Training
Our swimmers aged 13 and up are welcome to participate in our Coach-In-Training (CIT) Program. The CIT program provides an opportunity for our older swimmers to connect with each other and with the younger swimmers by: (1) helping the younger swimmers during practices, (2) cheering on and mentoring younger swimmers at meets, and (3) providing teen-only social events throughout the summer.
The CIT coordinators will reach out to all 13+ swimmers at the start of the season to invite them to join, and will provide them with additional information about the work and fun aspects of the group. High schoolers will be given community service hours for participating in the program. Most CIT summer meetings are held after Friday morning practices.
The Ideal CIT will be...
G*ENEROUS | With your time, effort, self, go the extra mile |
R*ESPECTFUL | Of self, teammates, parents, facility, community |
E*NTHUSIASTIC | It’s contagious--if you’re excited, so are they! |
E*NGAGING | Ask questions, be interested, communicate w/ eye contact |
N*EAT | Clean up after yourself & group; especially the Clubhouse |
M*EETINGS | Attend ALL meetings for pertinent info, updates, prep & debriefing |
E*FFORT | Put 100% into all that you do no matter the task |
A*WARE | Always keep a keen eye at all times for potential issues/dangers |
D*EPENDABLE | If you can’t make your shift, find coverage! |
O*N TIME | Better yet--5-10 min early, always |
W*ELCOMING | @ home meets of visiting swimmers, parents, staff |
M*EMORABLE | Be the thing/person a kid remembers most this summer! |
A*TTITUDE | The littles are watching, so make yours positive & happy! |
R*ESPONSIBLE | Get coverage, follow up, be accountable for yourself |
L*OUD | When cheering ALWAYS AT ALL TIMES |
I*NSPIRATIONAL | You are a role model--be the best one you can be |
N*AMES | Know them. Use them. |
S*TELLAR! | This is your chance to be part of an epic experience. Give 100% & your contribution will make a difference! |