Meet Jobs
Our meets are all volunteer run and we appreciate all the time our parents spend to make our meets fun and functional. If your swimmer is attending a meet, we expect parents to sign up for at 1 meet job if they have 1 swimmer and 2 jobs if they have 2 or more swimmers. The meet jobs are a great way to meet other parents and kids.
Meet jobs are split into either the first half or second half of the meet. “First Half” meet job volunteers should report to their position by 8:45am. “Second Half” meet jobs begin after event 30 (following the 9-10 year old girls breaststroke). ALL parents working during the meet, first and second half workers, will attend a brief meeting right before the start of the meet to understand their meet job.
We have variety of jobs and our Meet Job Volunteer Coordinator, Christine Hodson, can work with your family if you have questions or concerns.
Meet Job Descriptions
Announcer/Starter: Announce the races then starts them off with a bang. Sunny ● Standing ● Home Meets ● JSSL Training Required ● Loud Voice
Clerk of Course: Corrals the swimmers into their heats and lanes, then instruct them when it’s time to go behind the blocks. This job gives you the chance to see your swimmers immediately before their events. Mixed Sunny/Shady ● Standing● Little Training Required● Enjoys Chaos and Interacting with Kids● Always know your kids are in the right place and know when they will swim.
Concessions, Clean Up (Head): Directs concessions clean up crew to make sure everything is cleaned up and put away properly. Mostly Shady ● Standing ●Home Meets ● Training Required ● Satisfies Spirit Job Requirement ● Must be able to do heavy lifting ●Only work after meet, so can focus on kids during meet.
Concessions, Clean Up: Helps clean up the concessions area, put away leftover food/drinks and serving items, clean serving area, put away any tables and chairs. Mostly Shady ● Standing ● Home Meets ● Must be able to do heavy lifting ● No Training Required ● Only work after meet, so can focus on kids during meet.
Concessions Set Up (Bagel Buyer): Place order of 3 dozen SLICED bagels (plain, everything, onion, egg bagels) on Friday from Izzy's; pick up bagels and bring to swim meet on Saturday morning by 7:45am; help with concessions set-up until 9am. Shady ● Driving ● Home Meets ● Need to get to meet by 7:45 ● Only work before meet, so can focus on kids during meet.
Concessions Set Up (Doughnut buyer):Bring 8 dozen doughnuts to pool by 7:45am; help with concessions set-up until 9am. Shady ● Driving ● Home Meets ● Need to get to meet by 7:45● Only work before meet, so can focus on kids during meet.
Concessions Set Up (Prepare Fruit): Bring 6 "1/2 flats" of strawberries (washed, cut and ready to serve) to pool by 7:45am; help with concessions set up until 9am. Shady ● Shopping and Chopping● Home Meets ●Need to get to meet by 7:45 ● Only work before meet, so can focus on kids during meet.
Concessions Worker: Nourishes the young swimmers and parents alike with food and drinks at concessions booth located in our clubhouse. Shady● Standing ● Home Meets ● No Training Required● First dibs on the coffee and good snacks.
Event Board: Maintains the board displaying event and heat number by the side of the pool. Sunny ● Sitting ● Home Meets ● Little Training Required ●Pool side view of all events.
Head Data: Manage all aspects of the computer system that keeps track of swimmers names, their events and times. Shady● Sitting ● Training Required ● Satisfies Spirit Job Requirement.
Head Table: Coordinate the flow of paper during the swim meet, oversee the table workers and ribbon workers, and work with the Head Data Manager, opposing team's head table manager, the meet director, and the coaches to solve table and data problems that arise during the meet. Shady● Sitting ● Training Required ● Satisfies Spirit Job Requirement.
Head Timer: Serve as the back-up to the timers in case someone doesn’t start their watch. Sunny ● Standing ● No Training Required
Meet Director: Available throughout the meet for any questions or disputes that may arise. Referee for challenges to swimmer stroke disqualifications. Must be knowledgeable on USA swimming rules and JSSL procedures. Mixed sunny/shady ● Standing ●Training Required.
Meet Tear Down: Put away shade tents, tables, chairs and meet equipment. Mostly sunny ● Standing ●Home Meets ● Some Training Required● Must be able to do heavy lifting ● Only work after meet, so can focus on kids during meet.
Recorder: Write down times recorded for each event. Verifies that swimmer’s name is correct. Mostly sunny ● Standing ●Home Meets ● No Training Required ● Legible handwriting required.
Ribbons Coordinator: Order ribbons for team, manages ribbons table workers during meets. Creates files in ribbon box for swimmers each year. Shady ● Sitting● Satisfies Spirit Job Requirement.
Ribbons Table: Gets computer-generated labels from the data workers, places them on ribbons and files ribbons in swim team file box. Shady ● Sitting● No Training Required.
Runner: Goes around to each lane collecting time sheets from Recorder and DQ sheets from stroke and turn, then brings them to the data table. Mostly sunny ● Walking ● Home Meets ● No Training Required ● Get your steps in!
Set-up: Put up shade tents, tables, chairs and meet equipment. Mostly sunny ● Standing ●Home Meets ● Some Training Required● Must be able to do heavy lifting ● Need to get to meet by 7:00 am ● Only work before meet, so can focus on kids during meet.
Stroke & Turn Judge: Get the best view in the house to watch every race and ensure the swimmers strokes, turns, and finishes follow the rules. The kids will thank you later for helping them learn how to swim correctly. Sunny ● Standing/Walking ● JSSL Training & Certification Required ● Knowledge of swimming preferred.
Table Worker: Sit at a table in the comfort of the clubhouse to review the timing and DQ slips to calculate the official time and provide that information to the data team. Shady● Standing ● Home Meets ● Some Training Required ● Be the first one to know the results ● Math lovers preferred.
Timer: Use Stopwatch to times swimmers in one lane and gives results to Recorder. Sunny with chance of occasional splashes ● Standing ● No Training Required ● Great view of all the races ● Feel the joy of telling swimmers they got their best time.
Best Jobs to Meet Parents
Timer● Recorder ● Concessions Worker ● Table Worker
Best Jobs to Meet Kids
Clerk of the Course ● Timer● Recorder ● Concessions Worker
Best Jobs for New Parents with Young Kids
Concessions Buyer ● Meet Set Up ● Meet Tear Down ● Concessions Clean Up
Jobs That Require Special Training
Announcer/Starter ● Meet Director ● Head Data ● Head Table ● Stroke & Turn
Best Jobs for Former/Current Swimmers & Coaches
Stroke & Turn ● Meet Director ● Clerk of the Course
Meet Jobs that Satisfy Spirit Jobs
Concessions Clean Up (Head) ● Head Data ● Head Table ● Ribbons Coordinator